ISABEL SOBRAL CAMPOS is the author of Your Person Doesn’t Belong to You (Vegetarian Alcoholic Press, 2018) and the chapbooks Material (No, Dear and Small Anchor Press, 2015) and You Will Be Made of Stone (dancing girl press, 2018). Her poetry has appeared in Bone Bouquet, Boston Review, Brooklyn Rail, Small Po[r]tions, Big Lucks, Oxidant/Engine’s BoxSet Series, and elsewhere. Her writing has also appeared in BAX2018: Best American Experimental Writing (Wesleyan University Press). She is the co-founder of the Sputnik & Fizzle publishing series.
ESZTER TAKACS is a doctoral student at the University of Denver. She has taught creative writing and literature at the University of Arkansas. She currently teaches at Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth and at DU. She is the author of two chapbooks: Together We Will Talk Right Down to Earth and The Spectacular Crash . Her poems have appeared in Alice Blue, Soft Blow, Salt Hill, Forklift Ohio, Yalobusha Review, Hobart, Prelude, Ampersand, and twice in Inter|rupture.
NYOKA EDEN lives in Virginia Beach, Virginia and works as an intuitive consultant. You can find her work in journals such as Hermeneutic Chaos, After the Pause, Maudlin House and Concīs. She explains what intuitive consultant means at and tweets @nyokaeden.
AVA HOFMANN was born and raised in Oxford, Ohio and is currently an MFA candidate in poetry at Louisiana State University. She has work published or forthcoming in Best American Experimental Writing, Grimoire, GLINT, Palimpsest, and cahoodahoodaling. Her poems try to extract radical-queer/trans-femme imaginary archives from the weird, forgotten, and broken depths of literary history. You can follow her intermittent activity on her Twitter, @st_somatic.
ADAM MARSTON graduated from the University of Massachusetts's MFA program in 2017. He currently works and writes in western Massachusetts.
CARYL PAGEL is the author of Experiments I Should Like Tried at My Own Death (Factory Hollow, 2012) and Twice Told, which will be re-released by the University of Akron Press in fall 2018. She is the co-founder and editor of Rescue Press, a poetry editor at jubilat, and the Director of the Cleveland State University Poetry Center. She is an assistant professor at Cleveland State University where she teaches in the NEOMFA Program.